
Leveraging Python in R to use the Neo4j Bolt driver

Neo4j in the language R I have been fortunate to work with the Neo4j graph database using the language R over the last two years. A former data scientist that worked for Neo4j, Nicole White, implemented the package RNeo4j and released it in 2015. This solution enabled R developers and data scientists to access the Neo4j database in the R language. The package uses the Neo4j REST API and then process the data in a data.

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Native Graph Database, Neo4j, improves Healthcare

Data are one of the most import resources in Healthcare to enable the Triple Aim. If you not familiar with the triple aim, it is focused on: Better Health Better Care Lower Cost Better health means that your organization and you are working on finding ways to create a better experience for the healthcare population that you support. Better care requires that you are delivering care at the highest level.

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